Thigh Lift
Thigh Lift. Thigh laxity is a common and very troublesome problem for women and men. This is a situation that makes dressing more difficult, affects everyday life and adversely affects the person’s self-confidence.
The most common causes of thigh relaxation are:
- body weight fluctuations
- pregnancy
- sedentary life
- obesity
- effect of gravity
- decreased elasticity of the tissues
- heredity
With thigh lift, fat and excess skin are removed on the inner surface of the thighs.
The surgery is performed with general anesthesia and lasts 2 to 2½ hours. The incisions are made in such a way that they are covered by the folds of the thighs and as far as possible by the undergarment.
The surgery can be combined with liposuction on the outside of the thighs and knees.
Depending on the size of the problem, staying in the clinic may not be necessary. Postoperatively a special compression garment is placed for about 4 weeks. Return to work is done after 7 to 10 days.
Complications of thigh lift are generally rare. They include healing disorders, serous fluid collection and decreased sensation in the area and are transient. In a small percentage, hypertrophic scars may appear which require additional therapeutic measures to improve them.
Thigh lift has excellent results that are long-lasting, since there are no large fluctuations in body weight and a healthy lifestyle is followed. Significant is the contribution of this procedure in the improvement of sexual life. With the thigh lift, the contour of the area returns to balance with the rest of the body, resulting in greater comfort in clothing and stimulation of self-confidence.
See also: buttock lift