Laser Alexandrite Epilation

Laser Alexandrite Epilation. For many years, unwanted hair has been a major aesthetic problem. Depilation methods with temporary results such as epilation with depilatory tapes, razor, waxes and depilatory creams often cause irritation, folliculitis, local inflammation, worsening of existing hair growth, widespread or worsening of spider veins, skin loosening, ecchymosis and color disturbances (hypo or hyperpigmentations).

Nowadays, hair removal with the last generation laser alexandrite 755nm is the most appropriate treatment for unwanted hair growth, whether for purely aesthetic or medical purposes.

This is a simple, easy and mostly safe method. The light beam of the laser is absorbed exclusively by the hair’s melanin, so all energy focuses on the hair follicle and destroys it without harming anywhere else.

During the treatment, a specialized, laser-integrated, cold-air device cools the skin area, acting as an anesthetic, providing skin protection and enabling the application of appropriate amounts of energy for effective treatment.

Laser hair removal can be applied where there is an unwanted hair growth like the face, armpits, bikini, thighs, leg, chest, waist, abdomen and buttocks.

The laser alexandrite hair removal solution is not only for women but also for men, especially for areas such as the back, chest and armpits.

Contraindications do not exist. The side effects may be a mild local irritation that subsides within a few hours, hypo or hyperpigmentation, which resolves over time with or without the help of soothing creams and sun protection of the area.

The results with laser hair removal are shown from the first applications and are permanent as the hair follicular destruction is irreversible. After each session, the hairs become progressively fewer, thinner and sparse and eventually they are atrophied and disappear. It takes several repetitions at regular intervals to complete the treatment as the hairs of a region are not all in the same developmental phase.

The numbers of treatments that will be needed are related to gender, age, hair color and quality, body area, hormonal profile and laser system. In puberty hair growth is persistent. The face, nipples and belly line need more sessions because they are hormone-dependent areas. Typically, the sessions required for a good result are 6 to 8 for the body and 8 to 12 for the face, with an interval of 4 to 5 weeks. In any case, the results are spectacular. 1 to 2 commemorative sessions per year are recommended to maintain the result.

Prior to laser alexandrite treatment:

  • allow the hair in the area to grow 1 to 2 mm to be slightly visible
  • the face must be clean, no make-up marks
  • avoid intense sun exposure
  • do not use irritating creams or other invasive methods such as peeling
  • do not use tanning products

After laser alexandrite treatment:

  • there is mild redness that recedes in a few minutes to a few hours
  • place the cream we have indicated
  • you can use makeup products as soon as redness subsides
  • avoid exposure to the sun for 48 hours
  • it is necessary to use sunscreen with a high protection index
  • irritant creams and other invasive methods are not allowed

The laser alexandrite epilation makes your dream a reality! Imagine how easy your life would be without unwanted hair growth. Forget about wax, razor, depilatory creams and machines.


What kinds of laser epilation are there?

  • Alexandrite laser that emits at 755 nm and is the most effective
  • Diode laser emitting at 805 nm, but it targets more brown hair than the Alexandrite
  • ND-YAG laser at 1064 nm is also used for vascular lesions and is mainly, applied to IV and V phototypes. It does not have to offer anything more than the Alexandrite laser in the white race.

IPL-photolysis is not laser; the results have nothing to do with the laser epilation of Alexandrite and therefore should not be confused.

When should laser hair removal be done?

Laser hair removal is usually done for aesthetic reasons. But there are other reasons that impose laser hair removal.

Often after shaving, waxing or epilating machines, folliculitis (pimples) are created. In this case, laser hair removal is necessary in order not to leave permanent marks in these areas.

Also in cases of underlying spider veins or irritation after wax or depilatory creams, laser hair removal is the only solution.

Hirsutism or harshness due to hormonal disorders laser Alexandrite is the only one that can guarantee lasting results.

Other reasons that impose laser hair removal are irritations and dermatitis due to wax and depilatory creams. Laser hair removal should also be done when the hair, after other methods, penetrates into the skin and causes signs, especially in the lower extremities.

In cases where there is a history of papillomas or warts, laser hair removal is the only proper hair removal method in order not to proliferate and extend these lesions.

Patients with a history of tailbone cyst should necessarily perform laser hair removal, as this disease is due to hair trapping in the mesogluteal region.

Laser hair removal, therefore, should be done when a permanent and definitive end to unwanted hair growth is desired.

What are the benefits of epilation laser?

Laser hair removal is superior to other methods, as it is the only scientifically accepted method of removing unwanted hair. The razor and wax often cause irritation, folliculitis, hair growth, worsening of spider veins, skin loosening, something that does not apply to laser hair removal.

Depilatory creams cause dermatitis and have no significant effect, as opposed to laser hair removal.

Pulsed light or IPL or photolysis is mistakenly referred to by some misleadingly as “laser hair removal”, as there is no relationship to the medical application and the effect of the actual laser Alexandrite epilation.

What are the contraindications and side effects?

Substantial contraindications do not exist for laser hair removal. Photodermatitis and photosensitivity are relevant contraindications for laser hair removal, as well as the use of photosensitizing drugs. Previously, was overstated the possible exaggeration of psoriasis and vitiligo after laser hair removal due to the Koebner phenomenon.

Today laser hair removal is done with the latest generation of machinery without side effects in stable forms of psoriasis and vitiligo. Relative contraindication is pregnancy and lactation, and most gynecologists now allow laser hair removal in pregnancy and lactation, as it does not pose risks for the fetus and the newborn.

Undesirable effects result from laser hair removal when the instructions are not followed by the patient or when the operation is not done by a doctor or under his supervision. Transient erythema and congestive edema occur usually after laser hair removal, but they resolve after a few hours and should not be considered as complications.

The laser epilation has no effect on skin structures lacking melanin, such as the lymph nodes and the mammary gland (breast).

Where does laser hair removal apply?

Laser hair removal is applied to any hair growth area such as:

  • in the face (upper lip, cheeks, chin, cheekbones, brows, eyebrows)
  • in upper limb (arms, forearms)
  • in the armpits
  • in bikini
  • in lower limb (thighs, legs)
  • in other areas such as chest, waist, abdomen, buttocks etc.

What are the results of epilation laser?

The results of the laser Alexandrite epilation are permanent and impressive. Laser hair removal leads from the very first session to reducing hair growth, while hairs become smoother, lighter and soft.

The results of laser hair removal depend on:

  • the type of laser system used (the Alexandrite laser has the best results)
  • the color and quality of the hair
  • the skin color
  • the laser energy and duration of the laser pulse
  • and mainly from the experience, skill and punctilio of the operator

Also, the result of laser hair removal depends on the area where the laser is applied, as well as the existence or absence of hormonal disorders in the patient. The areas with the best laser hair removal results are bikinis, armpits and legs while the face can insist a little longer. The result of definitive laser epilation is faster for women than men due to a lower amount of circulating androgens in the blood.