Nevus Removal
Nevus Removal. Nevi (or moles) are benign skin tumors, consisting of specific cells derived from melanocytes.
Moles are equally common in both sexes. Congenital nevi are present at birth or grow up in infancy. Acquired nevi occur during adolescence, while few develop after the age of 30 years. Most adults have between twelve and twenty moles.
During adolescence or pregnancy, an increase in the size and pigmentation of moles may be observed. They are usually asymptomatic, though sometimes irritated by clothing or external injuries.
Based on their location and histological image, the most common types of nevi are: junctional, intradermal or compound nevi, blue nevus, Spitz’s nevus, Sutton’s nevus, Becker’s nevus, atypical (dysplastic) nevus, congenital melanocytic nevi (small, medium, large), nevus of Ito, nevus of Ota.
Most of the pigmented moles are lesions that are experiencing a benign course during the person’s life. Symptoms with clinical atypia (diameter ≥5 mm, color variation, asymmetry and indeterminate border) are considered suspected and should be investigated by surgical removal and histological examination.
Our doctor has to train us to self-examine our skin in monthly spaces. We should know that in most cases, most of our moles are morphologically similar to each other, that is, they have little diversity.
During self-examination we must look for asymmetry, irregular limits, color changes, color variation or increase in the diameter of our moles. If we find a finding of the above, and if we experience sensitivity or itchiness, we should resort to the specialist.
We should self-examine the entire surface of the skin, even the most difficult areas visible, such as the back of our body, the scalp, the soles, the armpits and the groin. We need to have the comfort of visiting our doctor if we see a change in the image of any mole of our body or develop a new skin lesion or have any question.
Equally important is our self-protection with the proper use of appropriate sunscreens all year round, the use of protective clothing, our careful and short-term exposure to the sun (hazardous zone 12:00-16:00) and our visit to the appropriate physician in order to map our moles for better monitoring.
Particular attention should be paid to detecting a “suspect” change in a skin lesion. We should not be late to look for the expert’s opinion at all.
Prevention and early diagnosis save!